Thursday, July 26, 2007

That is our new house, I'm looking forward to it for awhile!
A sweat family, I know life is changed after baby came out, but you will be a good father, and you will be a good mother. It's just a beginning, still have a long way to go. I am happy for you! keep it up I will keep watching you for next 4 years :):):)

What a cute boy! Are you guys doing alright...?

So gay... That's what you were saying :)

Guma: I always close my eyes to think what's the next step of my future, like this! :)

Eric & Guma Guma & Moo

That might be a good idea to listen iPod while watching the game I don't really know what exactly color of American hair,
Orange group...for what?
Girl: Hey Mommy, over here~~
It must be something wrong with his left foot... you have to lift that high???

Wow~ That's crazy! I don't even know who you are, boy~ I took this by incautious...
Wh...What are you looking at?
Oh~ There is a something from outer space, and wanna see our baseball game... :)
I'm gonna catch you this freakin little white ball!

She is not gonna take off her clothes, don't think too much, alright? Another game time

A: Dude, what's for tonight? B: In-n-out. C: No way, we just had that yesturday!

There have 51612 people in this stadium tonight. I could feel the ground is shaking while people shouting! How much is that hat? It's kinda Cool~
Ice cream ice cream~ 5 bucks 5 bucks~ They always doing like that!

It's freakin crowded!

Dodger against New York Mets!
Oh wow~ You might take 30 minutes to find your little car, or even more...
Whose your name again? Sorry I completely forgot...
Awesome iPhone! And cute brown monkey

Another transformer?...

We went to a new gallery There are a ton of people there, here are just some of them!
As you see, my sister
It's really bright, that's why i bury my head in that pillow

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

click it to see big image...if you want :)
There have people from Korea, China, Taiwan, Thailand and America in this picture!
There is a hollow chair under my hip